Why is everything in my house utilised for storage!!!!!

Athaang Gawade
1 min readJan 23, 2021

After 28 years of existence on this planet, I think “ENOUGH SPACE” is a myth in my house. I think it might be the same in most of Indian Middleclass households!!! Isn’t it???? No? No? Yes!!!

I had a single door fridge in my house which used to be jampacked like the peak hour traffic of Mumbai!! Tastes and fragrances of different foodstuff kept inside would amalgamate with each other and everthing had bit of flavour borrowed from the food kept next to it! Taking out something out of it was like playing Jenga! The sheer chaos!

Fun fact: The fridge was itself kept in the bedroom!! Lack of space! So I finally bought a double door fridge when I started to earn! Like any other middleclass guy, I availed the dreaded ‘EMI’. So this fridge was pretty large, and I thought it will solve the SPACE problem. Atleast inside the fridge. I would finally know the exact taste of any food item. No mixtures. Yayyy!

But Alas, Nayyyy it was!!!!

The larger fridge started filling too. I was puzzled! Now, even the microwave is used to stuff up things like utensils!!!!

So basically, everything which has a door is used to store stuff!!!

I think it isn’t the lack of space, it is the habit of hoarding!

Anyway, I think I have written too much, Need some space!!!

